The Athabasca Curling Club was established in 1946 and has been going strong ever since. The curling rink is located in the Athabasca Regional Multiplex. The rink has 4 sheets of ice.
The following leagues are offered: Ladies’, Men’s, Fun, and Modified Mixed.
For those who don’t want to commit to a league, there is an afternoon drop-in.
There is a Junior Program for students in grade 6 and up (although sometimes younger students are accepted). Starting in January, there is a Ready to Rock program for youngsters aged 8-12 years old.
The Athabasca Curling Club hosts three major bonspiels throughout the season: Modified Mixed, Men’s and Ladies’.
The ice is available for any group or organization to run a bonspiel as well.
2024-25 Executive
President: Darlene Day
Vice President: Kim LeMessurier
Treasurer: Faye Stevenson and Paul Kunnas
Secretary: Tammy Ledieu
Directors: Shannon Ladouceur, Bev Topola, Ross Hunter
Past President: Gord Tebbenham